Friday 25 February 2011

Breast Milk Ice Cream

In the news today - an ice cream parlour in London's Covent Garden has started selling breast milk ice cream. Why are all these people-on-the-street surprised when they like the taste? They have all tasted it before. At £14 a scoop, it would be interesting to see who's buying it. It's served with a rusk and a bottle (calpol optional), and is obviously good for kids. However, calling it Baby Gaga and having the waitress dress up in a Lady Gaga bondage-style outfit suggests that there may be something in slightly poorer taste going on here.

Full story (and a more serious news report):

Stephen Nottingham added on 2nd March 2011
Westminster Council officers seized the breast milk ice cream from The Icecreamists in Covent Garden. Despite owner Matt O'Conner saying it had been medically screened and pasteurized, the council responded to public concerns that the human breast milk may not be fit for human consumption. What the public are really saying is that this commercialization of human breast milk for adults makes them uneasy. As for the ice creamists, well, all this free publicity can't be doing them any harm.

5th March 2011
Westminster Council ordered the ice cream shop to stop selling breast milk ice cream because "it is a hepatitis risk."

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